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- /* MakeAnim.rx for Photogenics © by Helmut Hoffmann 1996 */
- /* Make HHsYUVSq animation from a directory of pictures */
- /* with Photogenics 2 or higher */
- if ~SHOW('p','PHOTOGENICS.1') then do
- say "This script needs a running Photogenics 2 or higher"
- say "and HHsYUSSqSaver.gio to convert animations"
- exit
- end
- say "Please switch to Photogenics screen for file selection."
- address PHOTOGENICS.1
- PgsToFront
- address command
- 'requestfile pubscreen "Photogenics" noicons title "Select source directory:" >ENV:HHsYUVAnimSource'
- if rc~=0 then exit
- 'list $HHsYUVAnimSource pat ~(#?.info) files lformat %f%n >t:HHsAnimList'
- if (open(SourceList,'t:HHsAnimList','READ')=0) then do
- say "Can't read file list"
- 'wait 5'
- exit
- end
- framemax=0
- sourcefile=READLN(SourceList)
- if length(sourcefile)=0 then leave
- framemax=framemax+1
- say "Number of files found:" framemax
- if framemax=0 then exit
- close(SourceList)
- 'sort t:HHsAnimList to t:HHsAnimListS'
- if (open(SourceList,'t:HHsAnimListS','READ')=0) then do
- say "Can't read file list"
- 'wait 5'
- exit
- end
- address PHOTOGENICS.1
- asksavefile '"Select destination HHsYUVSq animation name"' ""
- if rc~=0 then exit
- destanim=result
- say "Creating animation:" destanim
- OpenProgress '"Animation creation"' '"Anim creation begins..."'
- frame=1
- sourcefile=READLN(SourceList)
- if length(sourcefile)=0 then leave
- say "Processing file" sourcefile
- SetProgress '"Load 'sourcefile'"' (frame*2-1)*50/framemax
- if result=0 then leave
- LoadHide '"'sourcefile'"'
- if rc~=0 then leave
- buffer=result
- say "Trying to save frame " frame
- SetProgress '"Save frame 'frame'"' frame*100/framemax
- if result=0 then do
- CLOSE buffer
- leave
- end
- SAVE buffer "HHsYUVSequence" "" destanim
- if rc~=0 then do
- CLOSE buffer
- SHOWERROR '"Animation creation failed! Check image dimensions etc..."'
- leave
- end
- CLOSE buffer
- frame=frame+1
- CloseProgress